Create simple and light weight project or team plans for projects to support agile or traditional project delivery.
Detailed tasks can be integrated to automatically populate assignees' task lists.
Project plan milestones automatically populate and help build out standard project status dashboard.
Establish product backlog logs to capture desired lists of functionality.
Prioritize and groom product backlog items (PBIs) to facilitate sprint planning.
Collaborate with team members on PBIs and tasks using configurable Story and Task walls.
Capture impediments raised during team stand ups and take action to remove road blocks.
Impediments automatrically shared through integration with project status dashboard.
Leverage project document libraries to share project documentation among team members in an easily accessible location.
Create folder structures to suit project library needs and leverage document management capabilities to add, update and version control documents.
Leverage simple and standard project status report form to share team project status.
Status report history and other project work item and plan data seamlessly integrated into the Project Status dashboard.